To keep on track with the latest animation trend or news in Asian, I began to follow a lot of websites that aim at asian animators or artists. The difference between Eastern animation website and Western animation website is firstly and obviously introduce/ interviews local artists and exhibition. Additionally, I find Chinese animation industry focuses more on the story behind the animation in stead of the work in progress. The interviews usually asks the concepts and the journey of the work but due to asian is more reserved, we do not talk much about technique unless being asked.
Nevertheless, these few webpages update frequently with the latest news and introduce festivals etc. It is very useful to find out the closest festivals to go to when I am back in Hong Kong. Some of the websites even have a lot of connecting websites to the professional animators and illustrators for anyone who is interested in their work.
Here is a website less specific to animation but shows any art event happening in Hong Kong. Since art in Hong Kong is less emphasised than Taiwan, Japan and Mainland, it is very essential to keep updated with new events.
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