Sunday, 14 May 2017

Being a shy connector

The Shy Connector from Sacha Chua

This presentation is on e-studio and I recommend every shy artist to look at it! I can see myself as a shy connector and always afraid to talk to strangers. However I really want to improve this weakness because it is such an disadvantage during conference or meetings where we have opportunity to chat to artists. Some tips from Chus are very useful for example focus on learning and sharing instead of finding a topic to expand. The whole presentation suggests that a shy artist can be offering information instead of being the centre of it for example recommend books and websites that help people learn. But some advices are just not my type like dress quirky to make it easy for strangers to talk to you.

Follow up people you met and make friends with them, share information instead of do nothing.
I always have a fear that people do not interested in me, since I am such a potato, so I defeat myself before talking. It is important to feel confident and do not treat the chance talking to people as a chance to promote myself. Ask them stuffs about what I like and also show them my work. Think opposite, I will also be very happy if someone come to me and ask me opinion on their work. Therefore instead of networking with the new faces, I will think about making friends instead which feel less intimidated and 'remain the usual Wing'.

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