Sunday, 12 March 2017

MAF2016 day2

It was a great opportunity to meet professionals and listen to their experience at MAF! Just like day one, it was packed with a lot of screenings and shorts and we had a very tiring and productive day.

Took a picture with The Peter Lord!

The most memorable talk on that day. Women in Animation has always been an serious topic in animation including stereotypes, sexists and other unfair treatment to females that gathers around a group of females who want to change the representation of females in animation for many years. I researched about the guerrilla girls in my second year's COP which I did the representation of female characters in animation so I found this extremely useful and relevant to what I have been exploring. It is undoubtedly that a lot of the stereotype of females are built up since we were small and it is difficult to question it for instance a mom should wear apron and take care of kids whereas dad is alway the main power of the family. I would like to remind myself to not apply any stereotypes to any of my work, like not giving blue clothes to boys or pink for girls. Representation of females is a on going issues that every animators should be aware of.

Blue Zoo

The Blue Zoo VR-Hoodoo was so fun! This was actually my first time playing VR game. Before that I expecting it to be very dizzy and would get motion sickness but I did not and it was a totally surprisingly good experience! The game is basically following a blue cat's adventures with a few interactive parts for example throwing stones to bring the big bell or choosing items on the floor. The story is all set up with a scheduled time and limited moving space. 

If you are stepping out to much there will be a grid show up in the screen, alarming you to stay behind the grids. After all it is the most exciting VR experience so far and I am so stunned by the technology and the concept behind. It has so much potential to become a famous game and could be developed even further with more interactive moments and plots. 

We had a talk by people from the Blue Zoo, explaining the concepts, character design, backgrounds and the programmes they used and other bits and bobs. It has a big team behind it and it took a few year to get to this stage, a 15 mins game. So it is definitely not the thing you can just create at home. VR is leading the way in animation now but on the other hand it is not very user friendly. 1)The creators should be in a large group. A few team members will work but it might take a long time to produce the prototype. 2) Target Audience needs the equipment for this game. Unlike PC, VR is still not too common so it might have to wait for a few more decades before it becomes a house hold consoles. However the new technology indeed provide a brand new perspective and experience for players and investors about the future of the game and animation industry.

More shorts I enjoyed on the day:

Everyone loves Mr Madila. I found that interesting about the reason why people intrigued by it. So 1) comparatively it is one of the very few animation that is light and funny. Very casual with a simple style, but of course very well animated. 2) The silly content. British teenagers might enjoy silly little animation more? 3) Unique interpretation of a topic. The cross realistic and imagination of this animation gives an uniqueness quality to the story. It draws my attention to figure out what's next and keep audience curious is very important I guess.

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