Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is an anime series by Wit Studio. The series is directed by Tetsurō Araki and written by Ichirō Ōkouchi and original character designs by Haruhiko Mikimoto. This is one of the most popular anime started in this spring with a vintage style of character design and beautiful storyline and exquisite storyboard which has make a boom in the ACG world. I only watched the first episode because it is too amazing and I should watch the whole story when it is finished at once for some respect haha. The style as I said is like styles before 2000, it is because the character designer is old and worked at many famous anime before like Macross and his distinct style is still loved by many people now a days. It also bring some fresh element to the ACG world when many of the new anime just emphasis on girls, love and fans services. People love good story and plot with beautiful art and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress satisfies them.
I obsessed with the storyboards they display in Japan. The level of detail and each panel is useful to the story, no wasted scenes at all.
I obsessed with the storyboards they display in Japan. The level of detail and each panel is useful to the story, no wasted scenes at all.
I know some director could not draw but Araki definitely can! His drawing in the storyboard is already fascinating and tell the story interestingly with different creative camera angles. The colouring also help a lot when distinguishing characters or movements.
These panels below are so powerful!
The steampunk-style design mix with traditional Japanese cultures remains me of Princess Mononoke. The tone of the whole animation is so beautiful and make the environment more realistic.
Let's enjoy the Opening animation!
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