Friday, 13 May 2016

Setting up social media

I am so not used to promote or show my work to others because I am confident enough but the tutors always say that you have to show your work to the world and gain feedback from different kinds of people in order to gain opinion from various perspective to improve myself and my work. Obviously I know the advantages of showing off work to the world but at the same time it needs quite a lot of bravery and confident to do that. Anyway, I opened a tumblr account recently during responsive brief and I really like the layout and the huge amount of artists use tumblr. I followed quite a lot of people who do amazing art from digital drawings artists to traditional painter.

I also opened a facebook page for Animation Wings.  It was a bit different to learn the system and set up but it is actually quite easy and could invite quite a lot of friends and family to support the page. This is also effective if people share it and gain more viewers. I like the layout of facebook and I think the cover page could definitely attract people and show my style. Also facebook does not have a limitation on uploaded video so I could upload video that is quite large and they still support it. Unlike tumblr where I have to upload the video to Vimeo if it is too large and which is very convenient.

Lastly I transform my usual instagram account into Animation Wings since I do not really know how to make another account with out changing my phone and it is so annoying. So it is going to have photos of my life and art work uploaded at the same time. I think I will use instagram the most since it is on the phone and it is super handy with a lot of pretty filter. it will be a media to share my actual life with others so that it is less stiff than any other social media therefore I like it quite a lot.

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